
Learn about customer support trends and insights here.
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Thought leadership content to enhance customer support.
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Customers’ success stories with specific use-cases.
Explore Case StudiesMake personalized conversations
25+ engagement triggers
Fully customizable widget
10 mins to launch – Zero impact on site speed
Turn visitors into customers -Take advantage of our intelligent chat triggers to engage your customers better and convert more.
Learn from customers why they are leaving without taking action and create a better experience.
Answer your customers’ questions on product pages and assist them in making informed purchases.
Next-gen shopping experience – Increase user understanding of your product or service through interactive shopping videos and improve time on the website.
With interactive video quizzes, you can provide your visitors with fun, engaging video learning experiences.
Share your feeds and stories as links and embed them on your website without any coding.
Automate customer support – Be it order status, returns management, exchange requests, or product FAQs, let your customers self-serve 50% of their questions without agent intervention.
Make your support teams have meaningful conversations with customers to increase average order value (aov) and bring in new orders.
Empower your team with an all-in-one inbox where they can access all of your customers’ tickets in one place
Automate responses to your basic support questions
$0 /mon
Improve agent productivity by centralizing all tickets
$19 /mon
Get the top line features – increase conversions through customer support
$49 /mon
Integrate RoundView to a plethora of tools and platforms in under 5 minutes
You are not on your own. We’ll be there for you at every step, from migration to implementation and beyond.
Migrate your existing tickets to RoundView and you’ll be up and running in less than two days.
If your commitment to your current contract prevents you from switching to RoundView, we also provide contract buyouts.
We provide 1:1 onboarding assistance, which includes a CX audit and the setup of your customer support workflows.
Learn about customer support trends and insights here.
Read BlogsThought leadership content to enhance customer support.
Download EbooksCustomers’ success stories with specific use-cases.
Explore Case Studies